In addition to Christmas Hymns from the Moravian Book of Worship, we have curated a collection of new recordings of music by and for Moravians. Some appear in "Sing the Lord A New Song, A New Moravian Songbook," while others are performances by Moravians across the U.S. and Canada. Note that many of these recordings may be used in services developed by Moravian congregations.
A playlist that lets you listen to all the music featured in this section is is available at the bottom of this page.
Music from Moravian Advent and Christmas Hymns
by Albert H. Frank.
The Moravian Music Foundations' Moravian Advent and Christmas Hymns offers a collection of hymns from the 550-plus year history of the Unitas Fratrum/Moravian Church. Each entry includes music and commentary on the source and meaning of the hymn. We are including a small selection of the material found in this resource for congregational use this year. Full copies of Moravian Advent and Christmas Hymns are available for purchase from the Moravian Music Foundation and the Interprovincial Board of Communication.
These materials ©2006, Moravian Music Foundation, used with permission. Music recorded April 29, 2006 at First Moravian Church, Dover, Ohio. These may be used, with attribution, by Moravian congregations for in-person or streaming services.
Music from Sing to The Lord a New Song
New Moravian music from Sing to the Lord A New Song, a new Moravian songbook. All music © IBOC/MMF.
Music recorded at College Hill Moravian Church, Nov. 2020, exc. "Manger in My Heart" by Greg Behrend.
Music (PDF)
Music (Audio Download)
Play Music
STTLNS26 Jesus, Lord of Life and Light
STTLNS28 O Christ We Celebrate Your Birth
STTLNS31 Shepherds Watch While Night is Falling
STTLNS34 We Have Come from Foreign Lands
"Morning Star" by Second Valley
A new rendition of an old favorite by young Moravians.
"Since 2018 Jacob Messick, Thomas Sawtelle, Mason Sawtelle and John Poston have been singing, plucking and strumming in a style that can only be described as North Carolina born folk with pure Americana spirit. Their music seems to beckon one to take the road less traveled, or more aptly, the trail less traveled. It could make a soundtrack for getting lost in the Appalachian woods."
-- Creative Loafing, Charlotte, N.C.
On Christmas Night All Christians Sing
David Blum of the Moravian Music Foundation wrote this new setting for "On Christmas Night," performed by the Chancel Choir of Maple Springs United Methodist Church, Jayson Snipes, director.
New Music "Apart on Christmas Eve"
The Rev. Greg Behrend, pastor of Our Savior's Moravian Church in Altura, Minn., wrote a new piece called "Apart on Christmas Eve" that speaks to some of the challenges individuals are facing during the Christmas season.
Special Music from the Moravian Music Foundation
The Moravian Music Foundation preserves, shares and celebrates Moravian music culture.
Music for Brass
These new recordings of horn arrangements are from the Green and Blue Band Books, performed by Anita Cirba (soprano trumpet) Mary Elen Kollman (alto trumpet) and Eric Salzwedel (trombones).
Break Forth O Beauteous Heavenly Light
How Bright Appears the Morning Star
Once He Came in Blessing
Veiled in Darkness Judah Lay
Wake Awake for Night is Flying
Hail, Infant Newborn
David Moritz Michael (1751-1827)
A choral anthem, edited from the Bethlehem Congregation Collection. The only surviving parts were the bass vocal, strings, and organ. Karl Kroeger re-constructed, edited, and arranged the piece for SATB chorus. Nola Knouse re-edited the piece for publication in the Moravian Star Anthem Series. Erik Salzwedel then adapted the anthem for full brass choir; the version here was recorded with 2 trumpeters, and 1 trombonist over-dubbing the four lower parts.
Video from MMF
Moravian Music Foundation on Spotify
Selected Moravian Music Foundation-recorded music is now available on Spotify for listening anytime.
To purchase any of the CDs of this music, visit
Selections from Robert Rominger
Songwriter and musician Robert Rominger is a member of Konnoak Hills Moravian Church in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. He shares these two original songs for the season.
Music by Brad Bennett and Sam Gray
The Rev. Brad Bennett and Rt. Rev. Sam Gray teamed up to perform a number of wonderful Christmas tunes. Brad wrote "Light a Candle;" others are traditional favorites. Videos edited by Matt Spies.
To download audio versions of these, click below.