Dec. 22 Songs and Activities

Mike RiessFamily Resources

Sing to the tune of “Jingle Bells”

Christmas bells,
Christmas bells,
ring, ring, ring today.
Ring out news
that Christmas means
it’s Jesus Christ’s birthday - ay!

have a party too.
For Jesus Christ
was born Christmas
to give life to me and you!


Here’s a Stable

Have members of the family each take a piece of the nativity and hold their piece up as    they say the following:

Here’s a stable, safe and strong (hold up stable)

Here’s a mother with her song (hold up Mary)

Here’s a father with his prayer (hold up Joseph)

Here are shepherds and sheep for which they care (hold up shepherd and sheep)

Here’s a manger (hold up the manger)

Here’s a star (hold up a star)

Here are wise men from afar (hold up three wise men)

Here’s a baby (hold up Jesus)

Here’s a dove (hold up dove)

Here’s a picture of God’s love!  (everyone says this line as they hold up their nativity piece)

