The 1995 Moravian Book of Worship features three liturgies for the Advent and Christmas season. Here, we offer the full text of the Advent 1, Advent 2 and Christmas liturgies, along with recordings of the music included in each.
All Moravian congregations have permission to use these materials in creating their 2020 Advent and Christmas services. You may stream these materials as part of those services, along with printing the liturgies and hymn texts in accompanying printed materials.
For all other uses, please contact the Interprovincial Board of Communication at [email protected].
To preview the music file, press play under each name. To download the .MP3 music file, click the text.
NOTE: Lyric videos for the hymns contained in these three liturgies are available for download at the bottom of this page.
Advent 1
Advent 1 Liturgy is available in MS-Word format for placement in your services; you may also use the PDF version based on the Moravian Book of Worship.
Also available as presentation-ready slides in PowerPoint or PDF.
Thanks to Schoeneck Moravian Church, Nazareth, Pa. for these recordings
Download the Hosanna video here.
Advent 2
Advent 2 Liturgy is available in MS-Word format for placement in your services; you may also use the PDF version based on the Moravian Book of Worship.
Also available as presentation-ready slides in PowerPoint or PDF.
Advent 2 Page 58 (© Hermann Weinlick)
Recorded at College Hill Moravian Church, Bethlehem, Pa.
The Christmas Liturgy is available in MS-Word format for placement in your services; you may also use the PDF version based on the Moravian Book of Worship.
Also available as presentation-ready slides in PowerPoint or PDF.
Christmas Page 60 ©W. Thomas Stapleton
Recorded at Central Moravian Church, Bethlehem, Pa.
Lyric videos for Advent 1, Advent 2 and Christmas Liturgies are now available for download.